Sunday, January 20, 2013

Change of Scenery

Doing a little "spring cleaning" early this year!  I have decided to try and spruce up the blog a bit.  When I first created the page, I went with the basic layout and tried to be crafty with one of our wedding pictures.  Since then I have learned you can design your very own templates!  Woo hoo!  SO, that is my goal.  It may take a while since I am VERY new to all this graphic design junk, BUT I am hoping for a beautiful finish.  (NO laughing or making fun that I had no idea this existed until just now.  I knew you could do other web pages, just not blogger!)

Step 1:  Create a signature. 

DONE.  Success is glorious.  This is very basic and by time I am done with everything it may have changed.  I am going with a yellow and gray theme, I think.  Original, I know.  Judge all you want - I love it.

I think my Step 2 will be the banner.  O the possibilities. . .

Interested in doing the same?  I found a crazy helpful website with tons of tutorials to make your blog all schnazzed out.  Click here to be inspired to sit in front of your computer for hours!

post signature

Addendum: I may have gotten a little tied up in the renovation of the blog and finished in a day.  Yay!

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