Monday, April 22, 2013

Dove Mini Rant

MY definition of real beauty!

MY definition of real beauty!

MY definition of real beauty!
I have read many articles/blogs lately that are coming down hard on the viral Dove Real Beauty Sketches video.  I understand that Dove is ultimately trying to sell their product, but I also believe that there ARE amazing people working at Dove who truly care about women and their self-esteem.  
There are many women in this world who are perfectly confident in themselves in terms of beauty, brains and everything else.  There are also many, such as myself, who are not always so sure.  This video was an emotional reminder that how we perceive our appearance is often skewed to what the world truly sees. That being said, I believe there are much more important things in life than appearances and what the world thinks of you.  But I also believe that feeling good in your own skin builds your confidence allowing you to achieve more. (Through confidence - not appearance. Duh, people.) 
Dove is a company trying to sell a product.  Their mother-ship company also owns Axe, which of course is degrading to women AND men.  So is Dove perfect?  Definitely not, but I still appreciate the message they are trying to send.
On a side note, I read a comment from a woman who disliked that they used a male sketch artist.  What? Are you serious?  He is/was a FBI forensic sketch artist.  Who cares if he has a penis or vagina? He obviously has mad skills, yo.  Are you really that hardened to the opposite sex?
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