Fan-freaking-tastic! |
Sunday I had mascara under my eyes and no one told me about it. It was there all. day. Do I really look that tired that the mascara could be mistaken for giant bags under my eyes? Yikes. . .
Also on Sunday while trying to re-ink my stamper thing the ink bottle exploded and my skin is still stained. Awesome.
Yesterday I was walking around the entire day with dried coffee on my nose which no one told me about. Ben pointed it out when I went to his classroom to meet up before going home. Fantastic.
Today I forgot to put on make up and was told I look tired multiple times. Apparently my real face is haggard and scary and I should never leave the house without make up again.
Aside from being a hot mess this week, things are great! I have finally adjusted back to Dubai time from Germany time (yes, it took this long. . . ) and am able to fall asleep at a decent hour. Things are stressful at school this week because the school is being evaluated, but teachers have been working hard to prepare and hopefully all goes well. I did speak with one of the female inspectors today. Please see below for our stimulating conversation:
IL = Inspector Lady LJ = self explanatory
IL: Good morning! Are you the Librarian?
LJ: Good morning! No, I am not. She doesn't come in until 9 a.m. if you'd like to try back then.
IL: O, ok. Thank you.
IL turns to leave, stops and turns back,
IL: . . . Are you a student?
My goal for this weekend is to get posts up with pictures/videos from Ben's xmas concerts, some of Germany and a video or two of randomness that we captured in our everyday life. Look for those soon!
Side note: I was in the library at school when the janitor/maintenance man's cell phone rang. His ring tone was My Heart Will Go On. LOVE it!
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