Needless to say, the last couple of weeks have been insanely busy. Somehow I have managed to avoid falling into a zombie like exhaustion. The stress of packing up our lives in Dubai plus a 30 hour flight home plus packing up the condo so we can be out by the 2nd has left me physically and mentally drained. The busyness has been good for transitioning back to USA time, though. It has kept me awake and moving! I look forward to when our lives calm a bit and I can just veg out for like a month....

Grover has adjusted quite well. He has yet to get sick, no vomit or butt explosions, and as far as I can tell is on a regular eating/sleeping schedule. Ma was kind enough to pick up the pooch in Chicago on the 25th and has nothing shocking to report. When she met with the agent for pick up, he informed her that Grover had refused to come out of his cage so he could go potty. I can easily imagine my growly little pooper posting up in the back of his cage, refusing to budge. He's so cute... He definitely wasn't a grump when I saw him! :)

Now that we are packed up and out of the condo, we are hunting for a new house! We have viewed a few but haven't fallen in love with anything quite yet. We also have trips to Minnesota and Colorado in the next couple of weeks with hopes of squeezing in some quality time with family in Ft. Madison and Hamilton. Busy busy!

On another note, today marks one year since Ben asked me to marry him. I said yes, obviously. Best decision ever. :)

P.s. Laundry time is significantly less here! Roughly 30 minutes compared to the 2 hours in Dubai. LOVING it!

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